Sunday 5 December 2021

Seemingly So Little.....But Sooo Much!

 So I did not post yesterday, but I was so done in by the end of the day that I just was not up to it.

The day began as it usually does. I crawled out of my nest and headed downstairs. SW is always an early-riser. He had the fire going and the coffee maker ready. A quick hug and kiss, and he was off to work. I took my bleary-eyed self to my chair and prepared to open today's advent calendar gift. 

The size of a larger novel....thinner in the centre...thicker on the ends. I had NO idea what it could be. I was very pleasantly surprised to find a sewing-themed reusable bag inside :)

My plan for the day...after coffee, breakfast, and walking Jade...was to head into town to pick up groceries. Looking outside, I saw that we'd gotten a good 5-6" of snow through the night. With himself at work, it was up to me to blow out our driveway and the neighbour's driveway (he agreed to take on her driveway this winter). Hmmm! Maybe groceries could wait until Monday. Check the Weather Network. NOPE!! Crappy weather expected tomorrow and continuing into Monday. Okay then!

I got both driveways cleared AND I had over 10,000 steps....all before 11:00!!!

A quick shower and I was off to town. Just to be shopping for me is not a simple affair. Before heading in, I make a list that encompasses all the stops I need to make, and that list includes all the items I need to pick up at the various grocery stores available....all the things that are on sale (and wanted) from each of the flyers. Not everyone "price matches", so I just go to each of the stores. Easier that having to flip through flyers at the tills. Saving money any way possible is something I learned from watching my mother. It's something she ingrained in me :P

Got back home, got the groceries put away, got Jade walked, AND managed to get a couple of loads of laundry done. NO wonder I was so tired...and honestly, a bit sore.

This morning, not only did SW have the fire started and the coffee maker ready before heading off to work, he also did the dishes that, sadly, did not get done last night.

SWEET!!!  :)

So, coffee in hand (and chocolate in mouth), it was time to open today's quilty gift. 

Again....No idea what it could be! Lots of strange bumps and shapes inside. Hmmmm! Once again....not disappointed! being Sunday, it's "Myiwanna" Day. It's a day where I do only what I want to do. And I don't do anything I don't want to do. When I was young, EVERYTHING (basically) was closed on a Sunday. I try to treat the day like those days from long ago. Unless I absolutely have to go somewhere, I stay home...away from businesses. I use the day to read, sew, nap, play games, whatever I want! 

Today, "myiwanna" breakfast was a bacon/peppers/mushroom/cheese omelette and toast with homemade strawberry jam.

I also try to make a dinner that pays homage to the Sunday dinners my mother used to make. Tonight it was roast (with gravy), roasted potatoes, and corn :P

One thing I DIDN'T want to do was wear my I didn't.

Besides reading and an afternoon nap, what I did end up doing was binge watch several Hallmark Christmas movies while working on my Tula Nova project. 

On a side note, here's what my knee looks like today. Ack!!

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night...I going back to Hallmark and hand-stitching :)


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