Tuesday 7 December 2021

A Very Busy Day :)

 Today's advent calendar offering was a novel-sized, flat package. Perhaps another pattern?

Nope! But it was still lovely. It was a package of quilting labels :)

As I was enjoying my morning cup of coffee (SW took Jade for her morning walk before I got up even), I received and email from fellow quilter (and teacher) Elaine Theriault (crazyquilteronabike.blogspot.com) answering some questions from one of our classes, and letting us know she'd be sending us the link Friday morning for Saturday's Wanderer's Wife class. Wait???....What??? We have a class already again on Saturday. Holy smokes! I haven't even begun the 13 blocks I need to have done for then :O I better get busy!

But first, since it was in the front of my mind (Elaine having also sent an email about another quilting class beginning in January...Tula Pink's Butterfly), I needed to order/purchase the fabrics necessary for that quilt. By the time I finished sourcing out/ordering/paying for the fabric, it was 11:30....And I was still in my PJs!!! Jeepers!

After a quick breakfast, and an even quicker shower, I headed down to the sewing room to begin work on the homework blocks for Saturday. I decided to start with the "Puss In The Corner" blocks, one with an added border.

I was pleased with how they turned out. It is hard, however, to quilt....or more particularly, pick up pieces,....when you have a bandaid on your finger. Can you say "Awkward!"

Next, I decided to work on the 2 half-square triangle blocks. The thing about making half-square triangles is that there is A LOT of trimming involved. Not my favourite thing to do, but SO important to the proper size/seams of the overall block.

In between blocks, I needed to pause and get Jade out for her afternoon walk before it got dark. They talk about "long in the tooth". Well, Jade is getting "long in the whiskers" on her chin. In the winter months, she almost always comes home with what I call "whisicles"...the ice bits that form on her whiskers :) Btw, she is a little camera shy :D

Also between blocks, I needed a break for some supper. It took until 8:30, but I did manage to get the 2 half-square triangle blocks done.

I made one with a more traditional layout, and flipped around the blocks for a more interesting pattern in the other one. Jade, not being particularly interesting in supervising me today, was content to soak up heat in front of the wood stove.

So, 4 blocks done, 9 left to go before Saturday...and they're pinwheels :P

But that's for another day!

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night!


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