Thursday 30 December 2021

Feast or Famine....

 Yesterday was, metaphorically speaking, a famine. I felt I really had very little to write about. I sewed with the neighbour for 3 hours (she's our +1 as she's living alone), and then, I worked on the secret project when I got home. The only thing of note was the charcuterie board our neighbours across the way put together. Looks so awesome!

Today, however, would be considered a feast. So much so that I am leaving some of it for tomorrow's post :)

There is still evidence of the large crack mark on the lake, but some people are so eager to get out there. I guess the crack doesn't necessarily mean that the ice is thin. I'm just not yet ready to take the chance of going for walks on the lake...which I do love doing. If you look carefully at the photo, you can see a couple of people out ice fishing across from us.

I'm not sure what's up with Lady Jade lately. She has been shedding like it is already Spring!!! Maybe it's because we're burning the wood stove AND the fireplace each day. If you look at her fur, she looks really shaggy and uneven (two lengths of hair).

I have been using the Ferminator pretty much every day on her. I can actually pluck bunches of hair off her.

In fact, when she gives herself a shake, I find tufts of hair laying around the house. I've had to pick so many of them up lately that I feel like I'm harvesting hair!!!

Here's something I wish I wasn't seeing anymore! With SW still working, and needing to wear a mask at work, we frequently need to hand wash the triple-layer masks I made (I wonder how safe it is to be breathing through polypropylene, btw???).  This is an all too frequent scene at our place. In the summer, they would dry out on the deck in the sun. Now that it's winter, they get placed in front of the fire to dry.

Today, as well as spending a great chunk of time working on the secret project (1/3 totally done; another 1/2 and a bit quilted and waiting for binding; less that 1/7 needing to be layered and quilted), I managed to convince my other half to engage in a fun new outdoor activity.

Years ago, I had a student...Jenna M., who tried VERY hard to encourage me to get involved in geocaching. She was very animated whenever she described her (generally) weekend adventures to me each week. I'm not sure why I didn't try it's not like I wasn't interested. It was probably because I was already so busy with work and home. More recently, my quilting teacher and friend, Elaine Theriault ( has reignited the desire to explore geocaching. So...I downloaded the app and told my other half "Let's go!" It helped that the first one we were going to look for was at a local cemetery that he wanted to explore anyway.

The description told us that we were looking for a small camouflaged container. It was also suggested that we visit the gravesite(s) of the Spraggetts. 

We found the container, but it was frozen in place, so I couldn't sign the log book. I'll have to go back in Spring to do that, I guess. Although we looked, we did not find the Spraggetts. Perhaps it's a flat marker that will also reveal itself in the Spring. We did, however, find two stones with the same surname as SW's mother's maiden name. I wonder if they might be related?

It is now late. Later than I'd like to be posting. I must try to at least get it done before 10!

And on that note.....I wish you all a very good night!



  1. Oh gosh --- you're going to get hooked on the geocaching. I had so much fun and I go alone, but I'm OK with that.

  2. I’m looking forward to the next one. There’s one in a hollow right near our house. Might be a good “New Year’s Day” diversion 😉


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