Monday 24 January 2022

Here's To You, Mr. Leslie...

 SW worked today, so it was just Jade and I for her trip to the vet today. 

As you know, she's been shedding like a bad shag rug, but she's also beginning to look a little thinner. Off to the vet we went just to be sure that we weren't dealing with any health issues. When I arrived, the technician came out to pick her up (we aren't allowed in with her atm). A general once-over did not reveal anything to raise any alarms. The vet wondered if I'd like them to do in-house blood work to see if it showed anything....diabetes, thyroid issues, cancer, pancreatitis,.... Of course, I said "Yes please." That did, however, mean waiting around about an hour for the draw and results. No problem! What do you do when you have to wait around? I had brought along my hand stitching for Tula Nova. I was able to get 2 stars fully done, and had begun work on the third when the vet called once again.

Turns out our approximately 12-year old dog (best guess...she was adopted from a Humane Society) is really very healthy. NONE of her stats were "out of whack". And, she'd only lost 3 pounds since her visit last Spring. The fact that she looks skinnier could be attributable to the loss of muscle mass due to the arthritis in her hind end. It doesn't mean there isn't something going on, but it's not presenting itself with a general check-up or through the blood work. The vet said to keep and eye on her, and if we were still concerned to bring her back for further checking her stool for parasites.

Of course, vet visits are quite traumatic for Jade....she needs drugs (Trazadone) to keep her calmer while in the once we returned home, she was VERY happy to just sleep the day away. Even as I write this, she is still somewhat derpy!

This evening, SW and I will be doing our annual shot of Scotch in honour of a very special friend who passed away to cancer 7 years ago. He and his wife, and my other half and myself were such easy company. We even did a 3-week driving trip to the East Coast and still liked each other after it was over. I texted his wife today to let her know I was thinking of her. We still get together....just not as much what with COVID. She's been having a difficult time this year missing him. Not surprising...He was a phenomenal friend...a "brother from a different mother" to my other half. We miss him dearly!!!

Here's to you, Mr. Leslie! We love you! We miss you! And yes!...we will see you again! I HAVE to believe that!

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night!


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