Thursday 3 March 2022

Slow And Steady...

 What is it about 3:00 in the morning??? Last night I went to bed at what I deem a reasonable time...about 10:30. By 12:30, I gave up and got up again. It was 3:00 in the morning before I felt like I might have a chance at falling asleep so I headed back up to bed. It was at least 3:30 before I nodded off. This has been happening WAY too much in the last few months. Sometimes it's only 2:00, but on occasion it's as late...or 4:00. I've tried Melatonin, but I wake up feeling sluggish. I've tried low dose THC+CBD, but I wake up sluggish and with goopy eyes. I'm not sure why this is happening...other than menopause....but I really wish it would stop :(

So, being sluggish anyway this morning, I took my time over coffee, and then headed down to do a bit of sewing before braving the "feels like -26" temperature this morning. I managed to get the 3x4 Churn Dash block done (it's really hard to discern the darker purple from the darker grey and the black)...

...and began work on Plus A Star for the same quilt. I made a copy of the block, and began marking it for the fabrics I thought I'd use. However, it became very confusing because I wanted to be sure the plus signs did not get lost in the block.

So I decided it might be better to begin work on the star portion of the block. I'm placing the pieces on the design wall so I can see what it looks like as the block grows. I think that will make it easier (I hope) to pick fabrics that highlight the plus signs.

While I was working, I thought I heard something in the driveway. I knew it wasn't SW, as he was gone to work. And here, I need to back up the story a bit. This winter, SW agreed to blow the snow for our neighbour. We had a snowfall of about 6" last night. Not having much time before work, he quickly did 2 runs up and down our driveway for the tire tracks, clearing the windrow at the end left by the snowplow, before heading over to the neighbour's to do the same thing (we have a path between the two properties...just in case of an emergency).

So...what was the noise I heard. My other neighbour across from the end of our driveway, the one with the new tractor, figured that SW was gone to work and, not wanting him to have to clear snow upon returning from work, decided to clear the long runs of our driveway and our other neighbour's. We are SO lucky to have him as our neighbour! I didn't think of grabbing my phone for a picture as he was doing the work, so I took one when I finally managed to get out for Jade's first walk of the day. As you can see from the tire tracks, he's able to do the job in 2 runs.

Now SW only has to clear the top end of the driveway, which he can do tomorrow :)

Having had so little sleep last night, and being up by 8:30 this morning, I was much in need of a nap this afternoon. My 35 minute nap ended up being well over an hour :P There were so many things that I wanted/needed to get done least according to my lists, so I just worked around dog walks, sewing, and napping. Everyone knows that "Slow and steady wins the race". Although I did not necessarily win the race today, I did manage to get most of what I wanted to done....and the night is not yet done :)

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night! Jeopardy is almost done, and I'm off to clean a bathroom.


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