Monday 21 March 2022

Busy Bee

Today was a busy day....and I'm feeling it tonight :P

Since today was a work day for Steve, it was on me to get Her Ladyship out for her walk this morning. Once we finished that, I decided to take advantage of the sunshine to sit out on the deck and have a coffee.

 Now...Jade does like to be out on the deck when we're out there, but she doesn't settle like she would inside....even if I take her blanket out. She paces back and forth on the deck, sniffing the air and looking between the spindles to see if anything interesting is going on (most especially to see if her BFF and other mother are out). She wanders by and looks at you as if to say "Is it time to go in yet?" She even nudges your hand as if trying to herd you...or get a scritch or two. Today, she even backed up so that I could give her back a scratch....since my hand was resting there doing nothing :P

After coffee break was over, I came in to deal with some over-ripe bananas.

Sometimes banana bread can upset my other half's stomach, but I found a Banana-Date Loaf recipe....that uses very little sugar, btw....that we both like and that doesn't seem to upset anybody's tummy. Cooling on the racks :)

I spent the afternoon working on framing the shelf unit that will go inside the pantry door (aka Pantry Project). I need to paint it before I put on the lathe strips that will keep things from falling off the shelves. It's not a "work of art", but it will make things much easier for storing herbs and spices, et. al.

I was just about finished the framing by the time Steve got home, at which point it was time to take Jade out for her afternoon walk. Still a lovely day, but the breeze had picked up and it was starting to feel cooler. According to TWN it's supposed to go down to through the night into tomorrow morning.

Since supper needed to "roast" in the oven for 2 hours, I had some time on my hands so I decided to get busy cutting the fabrics for my QOV With Glowing Hearts class. I love how these fabrics work so well together :)

Supper is just about ready to come out of the oven, and Jeopardy is now on :)

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night!



  1. Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog…. Quilter myself and also retired. Came to your blog after Elaine at Crazy Quilter on a Bike referenced it. Thanks for sharing tidbits of your days and Jade !

    1. Thank you, Heather! I'm so glad you are enjoying it. As the header says...they are my ramblings :)


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