Monday 28 February 2022

Sneezing And Quilting DO NOT Mix

 What a gorgeous day we had up here in the North. Don't get me wrong! It was very cold up the earliest hours it felt like -27C. But, by the time we headed out with Her Ladyship, it was already warmer....feels like -22C. The sun was shining...which it typically does when it's cold out...and the sky was a really pretty azure blue. I could feel the cold through my layers, but I could also feel the warmth of the sun on my back. I suggested to SW that it might be time to get a couple of camp chairs out so that we could sit out on the deck on a future day like today. 

When we got back, I did the usual Monday banking/bills/records, and then I headed downstairs to continue working on the Churn Dash blocks I had begun yesterday. Steve had already started the wood stove downstairs to help keep me warm in the sewing room. I did my best to remember to check it regularly, and add wood as needed. Well...we all know what happens if you get a schnoz full of smoke. Typically, you sneeze. I discovered that quilting and sneezing are NOT good bedmates.

My hands were busy, so I neglected to sneeze into my I usually do. The end result...I had to resort my piles, and readjust the pieces I was about to sew. But when I readjusted the pieces I was about to sew, I discovered that one of the pieces was missing. I checked all over the desk,...I checked the floor,...I even lifted my sewing machine to see if it had somehow slipped under the machine. Where the heck did it go????


It had blown up against my thread basket. Piece found, I continued to work on completing each Churn Dash. And...I twirled the seams :)

Once I trimmed all 9 blocks to 3-1/2", I assembled the quilt block. And, true to "Twirling Dervish" form, I continued to twirl the remainder of the seams :) I do believe Elaine would be proud to know that she's an "influencer" :)
I forgot to take a picture of the front of the block...I will do that once I complete the rest of the homework...but I am quite pleased with the end result.

I would, however, like to digress a bit...or perhaps it's expound upon the process. This 9-1/2" block (made up of nine 3-1/2" Churn Dashes) took a fair bit of time to complete. From the cutting of the fabric, to the stitching and ironing, to the trimming and twirling, this block took almost 7-1/2 hours to complete. Now, that might not seem like an awful lot for what was created, but in the grand scheme of things... this is but one block of many in the quilt. Let me give you a visual.

This is a picture of the designer's completed quilt. That black box with the arrow is where my Churn Dash block will go in the quilt. Crazy right? And people wonder why handmade quilts cost so much. Even at minimum wage, that ONE block is worth $112.50 in labour. That doesn't include the fabric, the thread, the batting, the quilting. Okay...I'm getting off the soapbox now.

This afternoon, we headed out for Jade's second walk of the day, and as we usually do, we stopped to check the mail on the way home. I am always VERY happy when I see a parcel with this handwriting on it.

This month's Sweet Reads from my very close friend is here :D I opened it to discover lots of lovely goodies.

Although I am catching back up, I am somewhat behind in my Sweet Reads reading as I inserted a rather large book (Diana Gabaldon's Go Tell The Bees....) into my reading mix. I guess I better get some more reading done tonight before I'm too tired to see straight :P

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night!


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