Friday 4 February 2022

Rabbit Holes

Why is it when you make a call to a service provider, you feel like you're falling down the proverbial rabbit hole. You call the get an automated voice offers you a number of press the required're given a new set of get select the appropriate're given the next set of options... YEP! You're down the rabbit hole....and that's all before you're put on hold (with requisite elevator music) waiting for the next available agent. That's what happened this morning :<

I needed to call Bell to cancel our ZTE Hub....which we were told would be cancelled when we signed up for their home wireless option. Unfortunately, it did NOT get cancelled and, unbeknownst to me (because I took them at their word), we were charged many months for a service we were no longer using. The only reason I discovered it was because I was looking at our services, hoping to find a means of reducing the charges for our two cell phones. Sorry, but $150.00 each month for our two cell phones might be par for the course, but it seems like a fair bit of money to me...especially when we've bundled other services with "Ma Bell". Anyway, after MUCH time spent speaking to various representatives, we got things sorted. We've truly gotten the hub fees cancelled, and we reduced our cell phone bills by about $30 per month. The other nice bit it that the charges are month-by-month. We are not locked into a 2-year plan. So...if we find something else comparable that costs less, we are free to make the change without penalty.

My next "rabbit hole" was the RTO insurance site. I wanted to submit several claims that I'd been ignoring, so I went to the site to get logged on. Hmmm! It wouldn't let me in. I figured perhaps I'd used the wrong password, so I requested an email to change my password. No email! I requested again. No email! I tried a third time. No email! Okay...maybe it just takes some time for the system to send me an email. Besides, by this time it was noon and I was more than a little frustrated.

I decided to head upstairs for a shower. After I was done, and I was getting dressed in the bedroom, my eyes were drawn to a plaque I have hanging above the light switch. GOOD ADVICE!

I decided to "create" some Zen in my day by doing some quilting and quilting related work. First, I did some copying, cutting, and pasting to make some paper templates for quilting the borders of my sampler that I made in 2017 as I'm almost ready to begin doing that.

Then, I continued working on quilting the blocks in said quilt by using the "stitch-in-the-ditch" technique. I now only have 3 out of 12 blocks left to do and then it's on to quilting the borders.

I finally decided to call it a day when it was time to walk Jade for the afternoon. It felt a lot colder than it really was...probably because the air was damp. That, apparently, is going to change again. The TWN site is showing a "severe cold warning" again. Sigh! Anyway, our mail doesn't usually get delivered until the afternoon, so we usually stop to check on our way back home from our walk. Today's mail offered a pleasant surprise! :) 

My order of the "With Glowing Hearts" kit, for the Quilts Of Valour project I will be starting in March, arrived. I'm very excited to do this! I've been wondering if the first one that I make should be gifted to my youngest daughter's other half, who is in the army and has served overseas. Personally, I think I might like to do that :)

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night!


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