Friday 18 February 2022

Ask And You Shall Receive

When we lived in Guelph, I always had bird feeders in the backyard....even in the summer. My love of watching the birds definitely came from my father. When he and Mom lived in the country, he had numerous bird feeders. He even planted Evergreen trees near the feeders so the birds would have somewhere to fly to and from.

When we moved here, we set up some shepherd hooks (the kind used for hanging baskets) and put up bird feeders. The problem was that the only time I could see them was if I was at the kitchen window....doing dishes. SW then rigged a way for those hooks to be attached to the railing of the upper deck (just off of our living room). And WOW! With far less competition than in the city, we get A LOT more birds :D. I love that I can be sitting in my armchair and see them out the window. 

Having observed so many finches fighting to get at the feeders, and knowing that they also like to ground-feed below, I suggested to himself that I would like to have some feeders outside my sewing room window. Ask and you shall receive :) We had a stand feeder that was set up outside the gazebo....for enjoying the birds while sitting out in the summer. It wasn't being used for the winter, so SW set it up outside my window. Set it up and they will come! (I know...another cheesy cliche).

The birds have already gotten so ("sew") accustomed to me being on the other side of the window, they hardly ever fly away....even when I get up to cut or iron. I love it!

A few weeks ago (has it really been that long already???), I made a block for my Out Of The Box class. I really liked how it turned out, but had no idea what I was going to do with it. Then, I got an idea. The block is purple...which really works in my sewing room as the walls there are purple. I decided I would put it in the window well.

Of course, then I thought "I need to make two more to go across the space."

So...That's what I worked on today :) 

I also really enjoyed a video chat with some friends (Vicki, Hanna, and Lyn my neighbour). What's so wonderful is that we can be far-flung and still come together...albeit digitally. I do have to say though that with 10 quilting classes (I know! I know! What was I thinking?!?!), I will be very happy when we can get unlimited data up here in the north. Still....I wouldn't trade the potential of a little extra cost for what I gain through these classes and video chats. They have been a huge factor in dealing well with these COVID years!

Anyway, I must skedaddle as we (both SW and I) have a Zoom with some other friend's of ours from Guelph.

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night!


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