Saturday 12 February 2022

That's A Lot Of Stairs....And Hills!

 Last night, before I went to bed, I was checking my email and I saw this:

Considering I have only had my Fitbit for 4 years (January 2018), that's A LOT of flights of stairs...and hills! 

I had to laugh this morning. One of the drawers (where we store ziplock bags) was open a bit. I pushed it in with my foot, and it came back out. I tried again. Same result. I mentioned to SW that something must be stuck behind the drawer to be pushing it back out. Since I can't kneel (not supposed to with knee replacements), he got down and removed the drawer by unclipping it. This is what he pulled out from behind the drawer.

Here was I thinking it was one of the large bags causing the problem. Oh my!!!

Today was the second class for Free Motion quilting. Not having done enough homework for that during this past week, I headed down to get my machine properly set up, and to practice my free motion quilting and the doodling. I feel like the doodling, because I did so much of it during school (high school and university), and continued with it in adulthood (Zentangles, etc.), will be less of an issue for me than the FM quilting. I had today's doodles knocked off in about 3 minutes.

I have been finding with the FM quilting, however, that it is hard to master (fairly) straight lines WHILE focussing on stitch length. So, I decided to focus on getting better at the stitch length being consistent rather than on having straight(ish) lines. I'm hopeful that the more I practice, the less divergent these two skills will become.

During class today, Elaine had us follow a continuous-line pattern. The first time I went around, I was horrified at how badly I followed the lines. However, she had us go around several times...and it did get somewhat easier by the third time. The other thing she point out is that, when done this way, it looks rather artistic. I have to agree! I kinda like it!!!

Makes me wonder if this pattern might work for the 100 Modern Quilt Blocks quilt...for the centre of each of the 81 blocks??? Hmmm! It even has arrows for how to do it as one continuous line :)

 I have a couple of extra blocks that I could try it on. Maybe that will be tomorrow's Myiwanna project :D

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night!


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