Monday 11 April 2022

Four Agreements For Life

Do Pileated Woodpeckers migrate? I must look that up. We didn't hear them all winter, but have been hearing them for the past couple of weeks. Last winter, the top of a tree on the loop broke away. This year, it seems a Pileated Woodpecker (PW) has been ver busy on the remaining trunk.

They are rather fixated when they get an idea in their head. Our first year living here, we had one literally "loving" himself in the window of the garage. He was flying back and forth between a tree and the window ledge. We ended up having to put up a PW metal silhouette to stop him from coming back. Hydro One had to do the same to a hydro pole on our lot....after they replaced the pole. The PW had pecked a hole in the pole large enough to nest in it. :o

Steve has been busy the last few days moving wood from the frames along the driveway to the wall under the deck and next to the slider downstairs....getting ready for next winter. He now has it all moved. 

Each year, it's a multi-step process. Most of the wood that has been seasoning for the last year gets moved into the wood shed and under the deck. The new wood gets dropped of in large piles. The large piles get stacked along the driveway, and along the sides of the garage. Following all that, some of the seasoned wood gets further split into kindling, and gets stacked into shelving next to the woodshed. 

In anticipation of some of the seasoned wood getting split into kindling, the neighbour (who supplies our firewood) brought over a wood-splitter for us to borrow....and a table to save our backs from so much bending :) Our neighbour is SUCH a sweet guy! We are so lucky to have the people we have around us!

I managed to finish all of the blocks for my Hip Hop quilt....which was my commitment for this month's UFO Club.

My plan is to use these blocks to make a lap-quilt. As I was finishing the blocks and putting them on the display wall, I began to realize that just the large blocks...with some sashing between...will make a large enough lap-quilt. I will save the small blocks for something else....maybe a baby quilt.

I've also been working on painting the barn blocks for on the property. The white and yellow sections have already had 3 coats and still look like they might need at least one more.

For the blue and white one, I'm thinking I'd like to add a darker blue for the triangles and maybe a minty green for the small squares. For the white/purple/yellow one I'd like to add some light slate blue in the triangles between the purple and white. After that, I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions???

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night!


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