When you have company for the better part of a week, life...or perhaps it's time...takes on a very different perspective. Then, add to that 2 days on the road for "elder care", and things just kinda fall apart. I've often said "Life has a way of getting in the way." I did take pictures pretty much each day, but didn't have the wherewithal....and in the case of when providing "elder care", didn't have internet....to get the blogging done. I do beat myself up a bit for this, but really....sometimes it just happens :(
So, I did get the binding done on the sampler quilt. The colours go well with the colours in the living room. And, it's already seen a fair bit of use in the last few days. Especially in the morning before the fire warms things up.
I do think, however, that next time I work on binding a larger project, I will clip my thumb nail a bit shorter. By Tuesday morning, it was quite sore.On Tuesday morning, we all headed into town to run some errands. Our friend, Mr. Leslie, would have been proud of us. We had 6 stops on our list, which apparently "makes the drive into town worthwhile". With the current price of gas, I'd have to agree. By the time we were done all our stops, the rain had begun and, true to predictions, it was freezing on surfaces. We did, however, manage to get home safely. The rest of the day, everyone seemed to be engaged in their own form of relaxing. I spent a good deal of time reading The Paris Library in front of the fire. Good book, btw...and based in fact.
It was also the perfect kind of day for a nap on the couch, which I followed up with some work on EQ8.On Wednesday, I was to head out on the 5-hour drive to my parents' home in order to be there Thursday morning to take my mother for a procedure at KWs Grand River Hospital by 6:30 in the morning :O I called my mother before heading out, and she informed me that my father was "having a bad day" so she wanted him to come along with us to KW (she's afraid to leave him alone...especially when he's having a more difficult time). The problem with that is, if he's having a hard time, expecting him to sit for 2 hours driving there and back, and also waiting for 3+ hours for the procedure and the effects of the anesthetic to be done, is asking too much of him. So, we spoke to our guests, who really were very sensitive to the difficulties of elder care having older parents themselves, and they agreed SW needed to come with me so that he could stay with my father (in the comfort of his own home...where he could lie down if and when needed). It really was fortunate that they were there as they also agreed to look after Her Ladyship while we were gone. We were a little concerned about what to expect heading out since our driveway was totally a sheet of ice. We'd also heard on the radio that there were road closures on Highway 11 due to accidents. As it turned out, our driveway and the road leading out to the main highway were the only real challenges. Highway 11 was basically clear, and for the most part dry. I'm not sure when the accidents happened, but the police rerouted traffic around them. The drive was quite good. And with the sun poking through here and there, the trees looked so pretty sporting a thin sheathing of ice.
All went well with my mother's procedure, and we headed back home Thursday afternoon after delivering her back home to Brantford. It was definitely a long day on the road!!!Today, our guests departed shortly after lunch. I always find the exodus a little disconcerting...the house seems too quiet, maybe even a little depressed itself...so I find it's always best for me to either get out of the house for a while, or get bust with something. Today, I chose the latter. I decided to get some sewing projects off my plate. First, I finished the placemats I'd been working on for friends of ours.
And then I worked on finishing the extra "Out Of The Box" blocks I'd decided to make. Now all 3 of them are sitting in the window well in my sewing room :)While I was working, I was watching the birds out my window....as I often do now. As well as the original niger feeder that was there, I purchase and placed 2 more feeders on the stand. I think they really like this new one. Not only can they sit on the bars that are at the feeding ports, they can also grip the mesh going around the feeder. It looks like they can still get the niger seed out there too. Awesome!This evening, I had my Tula Pink Butterfly class on Zoom.I really love the classes with Elaine as she makes an effort to take our photos that we've submitted of our completed homework from the previous month, and showcases it before talking about the next month's homework. It is so inspiring to see the fabric choices other people are using. It often gives me ideas for future projects.I do think I am now going to curl up with my next read, Rick Mercer Talking To Canadians. I do believe, however, that it will not last very long as I am feeling very tired.
And on that note, I wish you all a very good night!