Saturday 14 May 2022

Tummy Troubles :(

 Maybe it was something I ate. Maybe it was working too long in the sun/heat. Maybe it was not having had enough water while in the heat. Maybe it was something altogether different. Whatever it was, I definitely had intestinal issues today. I even had to skip out of my Barn Trail class a couple of time :(  It made for an un-energetic day!

As I was sitting in my chair this morning, there was a loud "thunk" against the window behind me. That means only one thing up here....a bird has flown into the window. When I went out to check, there was a bird sitting stunned on the deck. Not sure, but I think it might have been a Flicker. It was sitting full in the sun so I scooped it up and moved it out of the shade and to a safer venue (we have a red-tailed hawk in the neighbourhood). When I went out to check on it later, it still hadn't flown away, but it looked a lot less stunned.

The next time I checked on it, it was able to fly away. So happy for this feathered friend. The outcome is not always so happy :(

Late this afternoon, about 4:30, the thunder began rolling. It was one long continuous rumble that went on and on and on. It didn't stop until about 7:30. Jade, who'd already been restless for the better part of the afternoon, went and hid under the table in my sewing room. Poor girl! Seems as she's getting older, she's becoming more sensitive to these things....more unsettled by them. 

I captured some video of the thunder. Turn up your volume. That is not wind that my microphone is picking up. That is the continuous rolling of thunder. If you look very carefully at the photo, you can just barely make out the start of a rainbow about half-way between the tree in the centre, and the tip of the pine to the left.

With the heat today, and the tummy troubles, I'm feeling a bit like a wrung out dishrag. I think it'll be an early-ish night tonight.

And on that note, I wish you all a very good night!


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